Sunday, December 30, 2007

Blue skies and jetlag

What can I say? The only reason we ventured out in -2 C instead of staying in our nice warm hotel room is that we have to try to kick the jetlag rather than just succumb. Beijing looks fantastic, even clean. I was expecting dust and smog but we have been lucky so far. The airport was a model of efficiency, and folks on the street are fun. The hawkers of various tat on the street are prepared to laugh it off when you tell them they're too expensive. And the requests for photos with the laowei kids is actually quite charming (though that might wear off).

We're going to ground for the next 18 hours or so, with a view to going to the great wall tomorrow at a reasonably early hour. Till then.


Andrew said...

-2° and blue skies, healthy weather! looks great, tell us about the food...I love chinese food, but I suppose there you call it food.

Insopportabile (Gianluigi Tiddia) said...

Wow! Finalmente arrivati, e belli in forma :) Un bacione e a tutti e in bocca al lupo. (belle le foto)

Anonymous said...

Hi there guys!!

Big hello from Woodville Glanmire, glad to c that ye are all safe and still in 1 piece. HAPPY NEW YEAR !!

Love, Aoife, Liadan and Kaare

Anonymous said...

trzymamy za Was kciuki i..... hulajnoge ktora dzisiaj zauwazylem w altance :) Powodzenia & Happy New Year !

Gosia, Pawel, Milenka, Weronika i Maja

Simon Moore said...

So it's not an elaborate scam after all? Have fun guys!

desmax said...

Le due scritte rosse e quella azzurra dietro di te cosa significano ?
"Più a sinistra", "Più a destra" e quella azzurra: "Sorridete, dei satelliti spia vi stanno immortalando " :-)))

Anonymous said...

Hi all family :)
I can't farewell before your journey. So, I wish you everyting good and beauty viewes.
Was very nice look your happy faces in Chine. I'm thinking about you very worm.Good look and take care. Gosia

Danny said...

Hey!! Well done on starting your amazing trip. Beijing and Great Wall look fab!! Happy travels and happy New Year!!! Danny

Simon Moore said...

did you get the green coat before you left or did you pick it up when you got there? great photo. apart from the ugly fecker spoiling the view.

there was a spot on bbc radio 4 today about the pollution, or alleged lack thereof in the run-up to the olympic games. apparently with vis over 50m it's officially no longer a problem. hope you continue to have great weather and great times.